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News Release 11-210

NSF Frontiers in Earth-System Dynamics Awards Explore Links Among Earth Processes and Systems

Scientists investigate a changing planet now and in the past, with a view toward predicting its future

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Images of solar flare, aurora borealis, and glacial ice.

NSF FESD projects such as "Sun-to-Ice" explore linked processes on Earth and the Sun.

Credit: Kristi Donahue, University of New Hampshire/Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space

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Cover of the GEOVision report.

NSF's Advisory Committee for Geosciences released the report GEOVision in 2009.

Credit: NSF Directorate for Geosciences

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View of Earth's interior showing the mantle and core.

View of Earth's interior; its mantle, core interact with the continents, oceans, atmosphere.

Credit: Peter Olson, Johns Hopkins University

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Images showing the delta a few thousand years ago and the delta today.

Over thousands of years, deltas compact; sea-level rises and covers delta wetlands.

Credit: Zina Deretsky, NSF

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Slices through a seismic tomographic model of Earth's mantle.

A "CT scan" of Earth's mantle: slices through a seismic tomographic model.

Credit: Ritsema et al., 2011, Geophysical Journal International

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Illustration showing the global electric circuit of the Earth.

FESD scientists will study the global electric circuit and its far-reaching effects on Earth.

Credit: Jeffrey Forbes, University of Colorado at Boulder

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