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Media Advisory 05-026

National Science Board Workshop to Look at Support of High-Risk, Revolutionary Research

Meetings seek to define research projects and examine review and funding

December 9, 2005

This material is available primarily for archival purposes. Telephone numbers or other contact information may be out of date; please see current contact information at media contacts.

The National Science Board (NSB) Task Force on Transformative Research is holding the second in a series of workshops on Dec. 16, 2005, at the Santa Fe Institute in Santa Fe, N.M. The task force's objective is to assess the National Science Foundation's (NSF) ability to attract, identify, and fund innovative ideas and research that have the capacity to revolutionize existing fields, create new subfields or cause paradigm shifts in thought. 

The Dec. 16 workshop, which will meet from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., will focus on radical and innovative processes for identifying and fostering such "transformative" science.  The first workshop in the series, held on Aug. 12, 2005, heard a cross section of views on whether NSF's current review and funding systems are optimal for encouraging, identifying and selecting potentially transformative research.

The workshop is open to the public.  The agenda and other background information is available on the NSB website at  


(NSB 05-168)

Program Contacts
Amanda Slocum, National Science Board, (703) 292-7000, email:

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